Welcome to our family blog....

Here's all the news on what's going on in the Ramsey home. I've created our family page to keep up with everything that is happening with us, Vann, Julie, Jonathan and Savannah...and what we are up to, along with the rest of our family and friends. I especially wanted to make this for Jonathan and Savannah...as they are growing up more and changing everyday! Enjoy!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Making time for Sunday School

I have been wanting to get more involved with church and we thought we'd try going to Trinity Church today. I took Jonathan and Savannah to visit the church last week and we walked around and talked about going. Jonathan couldn't stop asking if it were Sunday yet...so off to Sunday school we went today. Of course it started to rain about the time we were leaving and then began to pour when we arrived, but I was determined not to let that stop us. Jonathan was quick to go off with the other children, while I went with Savannah to her room and stayed for the hour playing with the other 2 year olds. We all had a good time and can't wait to go back again.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Awesome! We love Trinity...not that we've ever been on a Sunday though! Rosemary goes to preschool there and I go to MOPS there. We feel like it's our second church. :-) Hope that the kids love Sunday School. I teach the 3's & 4's at our church and it is such a fun age.