Welcome to our family blog....

Here's all the news on what's going on in the Ramsey home. I've created our family page to keep up with everything that is happening with us, Vann, Julie, Jonathan and Savannah...and what we are up to, along with the rest of our family and friends. I especially wanted to make this for Jonathan and Savannah...as they are growing up more and changing everyday! Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 3 and tears....

So day 3 of Kindergarten for Savannah didn't go so well, I think she's realizing she is no longer in preschool finally..
The excitement has worn off I guess, she didn't want me to leave this morning. The longer I stayed, the worse it was, so I finally had to make a dash out the door.
I hugged her, kissed her, told her I loved her and her teacher took over from there. I knew it was too good to be true that she'd just let me go and not get upset about it.
It's a whole new world for her, no blankie, no friends, new teacher and new place..and not to mention earlier in the morning and she can't wear whatever she wants. Hopefully it will get easier but today was not fun. :(
Being a parent is so hard sometimes...

Monday, August 22, 2011

First day of Kindergarten and Third Grade!

Finally, the day has arrived, both Jonathan and Savannah are in school now, Savannah made it to Kindergarten and Jonathan is starting third grade.
Wow, the time has flown!
Jonathan let me walk him to class, but I didn't ask him, just informed him that what I was doing. Savannah was pretty quiet and smiled when she saw the teacher. She informed me she didn't need to bring her blankie and told me she wasn't sucking her thumb anymore either. Although I'm happy to see they are becoming so independent, I am sad to see them grow up so quickly. Savannah wanted to hold my hand from the car until we got into her classroom, then she was eager to get started on her new adventure.
Jonathan was already at his desk and checking things out when I said goodbye. I was going to pick them both up afterschool, but they were both excited to be going on the bus to afterschool care at O2b Kids....I'll have to wait until later to hear all about their first day!

Here are a few pictures I was able to get of our first day back!