Welcome to our family blog....

Here's all the news on what's going on in the Ramsey home. I've created our family page to keep up with everything that is happening with us, Vann, Julie, Jonathan and Savannah...and what we are up to, along with the rest of our family and friends. I especially wanted to make this for Jonathan and Savannah...as they are growing up more and changing everyday! Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Time for Change

The day finally came for Savannah to start preschool at O2B Kids, just like her big brother. January 5th, 2009 was her first day! She was all excited to be "a big girl" and going to a new place with new friends. Everything was great until she realized mommy was actually leaving her there instead of staying, which has always been the case over the last 4 years while Jonathan has been there, who is now in afterschool.
She is adjusting, although it will take time since she was with Angie for over 2 years (we miss you!). Needless to say, she is exhausted and ready for bed much earlier than before.
I'm hoping the crying when I leave will get better soon..that's the worst part. However, she seems to stop as soon as I walk out the door.
She is happy when I go to pick her up, having fun and playing, yet when she sees me, she begins to cry. Wish us luck!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009!

Wow, hard to believe another year is gone...how quickly it went! Here's to a wonderful 2009! God bless everyone and hopefully the year will bring many great things!
We went to Kathy's house to bring in the new year, a fun family party for all!
Here are a few pictures from the night...

Savannah ready to celebrate!